A letter to the IDEO Play Lab
Consider the content on the following pages a playful-but-serious application for the stirring role of Toy Inventor. There’s a lot of content ahead, so before you read further, listen to the elevator pitch: 20 years of product design experience, 5 of them in children’s products.
However, it’s complicated—those toy years were the first chapter of my career, not the most recent. I don’t have the fullest of toy portfolios, and I’m not a hero designer with a portfolio of things I’ve done by myself. Last qualifier: I’m a big, big idea person who sketches wildly and crudely. It’s worked for me and a lot of companies, but looks weird on paper. The content that follows tries to paint that bigger picture with a bit more context. Maybe this connects with what the Play Lab is seeking.
Some videos adjoin the content. They are imperfect, early takes of content I’ll be using in my campaign to explore a return to a role centered on play. Like me, they’re rough and ready.
Thanks for your attention; I would greatly appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.
-Will Capellaro, 9 August 2022
PS: Also, please feel free to snoop on another job application for a role at 🧱 LEGO Group.
PPS: Bonus question response here.
Here begins my all-purpose play industry application content, starting with:
I Have Actual Toy Industry Experience
Also: General Portfolio | Book Portfolio | Resume | Email | Phone
Also check out my LEGO Mocs and my pilot LEGO App, Brainbricker