About me:

Explosively Creative

I'm a career designer with a deep passion for the job. I was wired for it anways, but I’ve also had an excellent design education complemented by extensive hands-on experience in making great products and content—at first paper, then product, and recently pixel.

I've tackled many, many projects. My lateral career exploration has given me huge confidence in many aspects of design and wildly differing subject matters, from devices that go into your heart to apps that make you pull your phone out of your pocket.

I am driven and effective. My boundless creativity, bias toward action, and innate ability to craft either through my own hands or by directing other creatives define my approach.

I have broad strengths. Depending on the day, my work could involve generating disruptive ideas or enabling incremental change through iteration and design systems. I generally don’t pick lanes for life, I embed, get fascinated, then do a job until it’s done.

Safe environments: I cultivate a diverse, thoughtful, and passionate design culture. I believe
  • creativity needs a safe space
  • and a process
  • sometimes don’t think so much, it’s all about craft


all work © will capellaro and clients